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Small steps

Jul 05, 2024

    I have chosen a phrase in my business: Small steps can have big effects for a reason. Let me explain.

    There are many quiet lessons in nature that teach me about  patience in the pursuit of my goals. In the cold months of winter, many of us look through garden magazines and dream/plan our gardens. We research the soil conditions, we plan for and buy the seeds, eagerly waiting for the warmer temperatures that signal we can begin planting. Once planted, we  begin looking for sprouts, faithfully watering them taking care of any pest that may find its way into the garden, and then eagerly weed so the plants have a good start.   

The quiet lessons of nature, and in this case, the garden, tell me that  patient perseverance of taking the smaller actions will bring larger rewards.

   This is easy to say, but harder to live. As people of the 21st century, we like to see quicker results and want to move quickly to achieve  them. As I learn, to quiet my world down, I see the benefits of  patience. However, it is the Practice of patience,  taking smaller action steps that will yield the results I seek over time





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